The Amazing Ella

Have you ever heard a cover of a song and wish that was the original version?? Trust me it doesn't get any better than this... check out this performance, if you know the song, u'll be blown away....

the original song

enough said.....


X Factor Fail

Sometimes i wonder how somethings happen on television, how some decisions are made. this one surprises me most. I don't know if i am wrong but this dude deserved to be on the show, they made a huge mistake not putting him through

You see for yourselves and tell me what you think

his first audition

maybe its just me..


Introducing - Adanna DURU

Remember the name, because... just because. Season 3 of the voice has introduced some brilliant singers, and one of them is 15 year old Adanna Duru. The voice didn't give a full video for her audition but she sang enough to get my attention.

Adanna is a Nigerian-American singer-songwriter based in the USA. Brilliant is an expression that perfectly fits this teenage prodigy who has often been compared to the vocal styles of Mary J. Blidge and a host of other female musicians. 

How far would she go on the voice?? Well time will tell, but i believe she is a star in the making.

Take a look at some of her works and tell me what you think..



So one thing i like about the voice is that even the auditions are available for downloads on iTunes as full songs. I decided to search for some of my favorites and share with you. There is talent in this world i must add. Take a look...

Aquile - Your Song
Beautiful rendition of a beautiful song

Bryan Keith - It will Rain
i love his version as well as the original... he did a great job

Trevin Hunte - Listen
this dude is simply world class, exceptional talent

De'Borah - Hey, soul sister
there is something uplifting about her voice, just listen if you can tell too..

Gracia Harrison - I Want to be a cowboy's sweetheart
oh-di-lay-ee-ay, di-lay-dee-oh, di-lay-eee.....



Remember Matthew Perry, or better still Chandler of popular sitcom Friends, well he is back on the air, this time taking the leading role in NBC's new comedy series, Go On. Perry stars as Ryan King, a sportscaster trying to move on from the loss of his wife. He finds a support group made up of some crazy and emotional people and tries to fit in.

Casting for this show is one of the reasons it is so brilliant. Perry keeps on being his weird funny self, more like Chandler of friends than Ryan King, Bill Cobbs who plays a blind old man, Sarah Baker who i seem to love no matter what role she plays (i think she is funny).

Go on is an awesome new show with a great prospects, new jokes and a great cast. It will be a good addition to your comedy shows.


The Mob Doctor

What is it with tv shows about doctors?? From ER, to Grey's Anatomy, to House, to Saving hope.. i can keep calling names, they somehow keep being shoved in our faces. Most of the time though, they stick to us like glue.

Introducing, the Mob Doctor, this show is different from any "doctor" tv show. I love the plot of this one. Jordana Spiro plays Grace Devlin, a doctor from the slums with a debt to pay to mob for sparing her brother's life.
Although the premiere wasn't as brilliant as was expected, the storyline given the right balance would be able to hold its own. I guess we should give it a couple more episodes to see where they take the story to.

Anyways don't hold your breath for this one.


Jonathan and Charlotte

Ever wondered what's been happening to the Operatic duo that stunned the world with an awesome audition at Britain's Got Talent, well here's a little peek into the life of Jonathan Antoine and Charlotte Jaconelli.

Still reeling off their 1million pounds contract with Simon Cowell's Syco, the duo have been working on an album called Together due out on the 24th of september. The album would be an awesome get if your into classical music. I have heard a few songs off the album and it was a great job done.

If you've forgotten them, let me refresh your memory, and also listen to a song off their album

This song is a cover of Muse's Unintended. they did a great job


Melanie Amaro

If you were wondering what happened to X Factor USA's season 1 winner, Melanie Amaro, well she has been working on a new album, set to drop sometime in december.

She has also released two singles off that album, and i think she did a good job on both..

Check them out, and let me know what you think...



X Factor Season 2 - Premiere Day 2

Here we go again.. Day 2 of the X factor 2012. And we take a look at who rocked it and who sucked it (no offence)....

The Talent
Johnny Maxwell -
singing an original is always a risk when you have Simon on the judges panel. this dude really rocked it though. A great job for a 16 year old.

Jason Brock - Oh My Gosh.. i admit i thought this dude wouldn't have any talent with all his rambling... but he was amazing... that was awesome. Like LA Reid said, his voice is any song writer's dream..

Carly Rose Sonenclare - Wow.... Wow...WOW..WOW!!!! Words cant describe this talent.... no words i can think of

The Untalented
Lexa Berman - whew... that was annoying.. and Simon LIKED HER?? what was he thinking??

Patrick Ford - One of the most annoying auditions i've ever watched. Super obsessed with britney and was so awkward.. Hmmm.. Four NO'S. Deservedly

What a week for the X Factor. The beginning of something great i hope



Imagine Dragons

Are you done imagining?? well here are the dragons i'm talking about

These guys are unbelievably good. Okay not unbelievably but... what's the word?? Wait let me get my dictionary.. watch this video while you wait

they good right?? haha... still haven't found that dictionary, maybe i would have found it in my next post...

P.S. thanks fifa 13


The X-Factor USA Returns- Drama at its best

Yea, Simon Cowell is back on air, with his host of judges for a new season of the X-Factor USA. And with Britney Spears on the judges panel expect ratings to sky rocket. Okay down to the premiere, obviously mind blowing as expected. Cowell has been in this game long enough to know what to do and how to have an outstanding first show on air. This one was full of drama and serious talent as well as the fully-untalented...
Britney is an awesome judge i must say. I think she would own this season. Watch out Christina, you just got X'ed.

I think the edge the X factor has is encapsulating the stories of the contestants (like Jillian)
So expect more drama in this season

The Talent
Paige held her own on stage LA. Reid compared her to Ri-Ri

Paige Thomas - Great looking, beautiful and an amazing voice... will definitely go far

Emblem 3 - In one word - Awesome. Did an original song and completely nailed it.

Watch OUT  for these guys...

Jennel Garcia - She is a feisty one. And she has a great voice. One of the many you will want to watch out for...
four yeses for this amazing teen...

Jillian Jensen - that was the moment of the premiere, the bullied teenager just scored a victory, not just for her but for all those who have been bullied and she showed that everyone is a star, in their own way.
Her moment with Demi was magical and i have never heard so much pain in any voice. she is amazing

The Un-Talented

SHAWN ARMENTA- candy girl?? really?? was this guy serious at all??  And he attacked Demi for Auto-tuning her voice. FAIL!!!

Kaci Newton - Bitchy and really annoying and very untalented, and as Simon said, she sounded like she was dying...

Don Phillips - awesomely weird, he did a duet with Britney?? and she said no?? he deserved a no though...  And then he cries that he let her down. It was touching.. in a weird way.

Mmmm... I don't know
Quatro Deanne - i will reserve my comments on this one though. But he went through because the judges embraced the madness.

I think this season would be amazing so keep your wednesday nights open... 



And what a way to return. That was one of the best 90mins of any music show i've watched in recent time. The talent was high up there, the coaches were at each others throats and from what i saw on the first night, this season seems to be the best ever.

Below are some of the highlights of the show and people you should watch out for if you follow the voice...

Trevin HUNTE!!!
Except someone else hits the stage with something more glorious, this is the front runner of this season, he is simply amazing....

Gracia Harrison 
 my sister from another world, great natural country talent. one to watch out for

He nailed his audition, this dude has an awesome uniqueness to his voice. another reason why the voice will be one to reckon with
I thought he did a fantastic job and has a great voice

Okay i won't give you everything... if you want to see more, watch the full show and always check back for who i think the favorites are and check against your own



Did Switched At Birth make a grand return to TV??

It was one of the most anticipated returns of the year as the ever enthralling tale of two switched families prepared to wow us again after a rather brilliant finale. Did it accomplish its mission and make people like to watch more? Here's a look at some of the top moments of the last episode.

Hello BAD BAY!!
Heart broken Bay returned trying to put Emmet behind her with a new look and best of all with a new boyfriend (even though that lasted for about 20 mins). I thought they should have showed us more of Bad Bay instead of returning her to her normal self before the end of the first episode

Yes she is proving to be one hell of a stubborn lady and trying to survive on her own terms. Admirable yes, but she is still a child and is still invalid and the shows does well to promote that part of her. If they will smash the rest of the season they shouldn't forget to keep her struggle in the spotlight

Well so they say, it's all too cute though. The letter with the directions, the painting's on the wall, the promise to wait until he can make it right, the fact is HE IS SORRY!! Will Bay forgive him though?? I will love to see that because obviously, she is still madly in love with him ..

Yea she said they were done but we all know better. Her boyfriend doesn't believe in marriage and she clearly still loves her ex-husband but she was really self-less(or not) by marrying Angelo so he can have a chance with his kids, if that was her only reason time will tell

Overall, there are still questions left unanswered and though it wasn't as grand a return as was expected. It still leaves a lot to look forward to as the season progress

I'll score it a 7.5/10.. let me hear what you think


What to Watch this month

It's the first week of September, that means Labor day, schools reopen and best of all the fall season for tv series officially begins. Here's a quick rundown of the best shows to watch this month.

Switched AT Birth - Premieres September 3rd

It will nice to see what they can do with a second season of this riveting drama. This will be a good pass time show to relax and take the heat off.

GLEE - Premieres September 13th
Not one of my big favorites but if you are a glee fan, this new season promises to be entertaining as all glee seasons are. All the mysteries will lead to more mysteries again.

TOUCH - Unaired Episode - September 14th
If you followed Touch from inception you will understand my excitement for this one. I love this show and with Kiefer, it can only get better.

REVOLUTION - Premieres September 17th

This one is very new but i can suggest that your mondays just got better. i dont normally stick my head out for any show but i think i will do that for this one.

THE MOB DOCTOR - Premieres September 17th

Another new one. I guess it will be good.. Let's watch and see.

And then the Big days

September 24th

2 BROKE GIRLS - Season 2 premieres and if it as fun as season 1, it will take it place as one of comedy's favorite shows

HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER - With all them weddings, what happens next. I can't wait

CASTLE - Loved the finale of last season. Where do they go from there??

September 25th

NEW GIRL - my favorite new comedy is returning... YESSSS!!!!!

September 26th

CRIMINAL MINDS - Your favorite mind readers are back at it again

MODERN FAMILY - Well can i say more.

September 27th

GREYS ANATOMY - I think it has carried on for too long already but i guess it still pulls the crowds

SCANDAL - This show had one of the best scripts of any new show. How do they hold that level in the second season, i want to find out.

PERSON OF INTREST - Had a brilliant first season. Hope season 2 will be better.

THE BIG BANG THEORY - Okay i have to admit, I've missed Sheldon.. I really have..

TWO AND A HALF MEN - Those crazy men are back for another season.

September 30th

REVENGE - I have waited for too long for this. I wish it returned tomorrow. But there is enough time to prepare for one of the best shows on television now.

THE MENTALIST - Jane is back.. Thats all i can say

Mark these dates in your calendar if your an addict like me and catch up on your favorite pastimes.

Ohh I guess your wondering if i actually follow all these series. The answer is YES!!!


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