
What to Watch this month

It's the first week of September, that means Labor day, schools reopen and best of all the fall season for tv series officially begins. Here's a quick rundown of the best shows to watch this month.

Switched AT Birth - Premieres September 3rd

It will nice to see what they can do with a second season of this riveting drama. This will be a good pass time show to relax and take the heat off.

GLEE - Premieres September 13th
Not one of my big favorites but if you are a glee fan, this new season promises to be entertaining as all glee seasons are. All the mysteries will lead to more mysteries again.

TOUCH - Unaired Episode - September 14th
If you followed Touch from inception you will understand my excitement for this one. I love this show and with Kiefer, it can only get better.

REVOLUTION - Premieres September 17th

This one is very new but i can suggest that your mondays just got better. i dont normally stick my head out for any show but i think i will do that for this one.

THE MOB DOCTOR - Premieres September 17th

Another new one. I guess it will be good.. Let's watch and see.

And then the Big days

September 24th

2 BROKE GIRLS - Season 2 premieres and if it as fun as season 1, it will take it place as one of comedy's favorite shows

HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER - With all them weddings, what happens next. I can't wait

CASTLE - Loved the finale of last season. Where do they go from there??

September 25th

NEW GIRL - my favorite new comedy is returning... YESSSS!!!!!

September 26th

CRIMINAL MINDS - Your favorite mind readers are back at it again

MODERN FAMILY - Well can i say more.

September 27th

GREYS ANATOMY - I think it has carried on for too long already but i guess it still pulls the crowds

SCANDAL - This show had one of the best scripts of any new show. How do they hold that level in the second season, i want to find out.

PERSON OF INTREST - Had a brilliant first season. Hope season 2 will be better.

THE BIG BANG THEORY - Okay i have to admit, I've missed Sheldon.. I really have..

TWO AND A HALF MEN - Those crazy men are back for another season.

September 30th

REVENGE - I have waited for too long for this. I wish it returned tomorrow. But there is enough time to prepare for one of the best shows on television now.

THE MENTALIST - Jane is back.. Thats all i can say

Mark these dates in your calendar if your an addict like me and catch up on your favorite pastimes.

Ohh I guess your wondering if i actually follow all these series. The answer is YES!!!


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